昨天是秋分,最近地理课上,研究地球运动的时候,经常看到这个词,可我一直处于晕菜状态。秋分,果然有很大的“分”。前天的天气还挺热,昨天下午开始,天气就渐渐转凉了,温差确实也不小。今天早上去上学的时候,还有一点儿冷呢。昨天开始,夜晚渐渐长了起来,再过些日子,就又要天黑回家了,挺爽。 今天北京的天空太好了!!!上体育选修课的时候,别人在踢球,我站在原地看天上,天空湛蓝无比,深浅分明;云彩各式各样,龙卷风形的、鱼鳞形的、一线天形的……云彩演绎得很精彩!很是希望这样的天气能经常出现,而不是每天面对着阴云和雾霾。今天很凉快,风的温度和强度恰到好处,身上也不经常出汗了,前几天尤其是我们班的空调坏了,班里闷热无比……! I do love the wind and the weather, which in autumn just like today. 明天是我上高中来的第一次月考,说实话很没把握,因为昨天开始,我发现自己才刚刚适应高中的学习和快节奏生活,我要更加发奋了!省得同学问我题的时候,我很多都不会……没有面子的。不管怎么样,尽自己最大努力把这次考好吧!
I got up earlier this morning, then turned on my commputer spontaneously. I opened QQ, but there were hardly friends or classmates online, I opened Firefox browser, opened Google, browsed my Blog......Some feeling was strange, I found I had no interest in computer or the internet or IT. It is boring in my view now. Okay, it is good, I can pay more attention to my study.
Why I became this, which I thought about something that I shouldn't think. I thought I should got a girlfriend, I though I wanted to leave school, I thought that it was a wrong way to study...... Tonight, I have thought over for a so long time, even though my homework hasn't been finished. I will change myself tomorrow in order that I can be the top of my class. you know, you have to study or only study if live in China, so do I. ok, now over here. I have to go on doing my homework.